Do You Have To Use The Vendors Recommended By Your Venue?
Before booking the services of party/wedding vendors, most people book their venue. Often times, the venue will have vendors that they recommend. Some go so far as to tell you that you have to use a particular vendor if you want to have their product at your event. you really have to use their people when you may have a different vendor that you're already comfortable with? The answer is almost always NO!
Of course, the venue is comfortable with the vendors that they recommend. Their preferred vendors already have a working relationship with them & they know that they will adhere to all of their policies. However, they will not lose your business by denying your request to use vendors that you're comfortable with at your function. if you indicate that you have your own vendors that you prefer to deal with, they will accommodate your wishes. They may insist that your vendors provide proof of liability insurance. Professional vendors will always be insured so that should not be an issue.
At Time Productions, we do carry liability insurance & our insurance carrier provides proof of coverage directly to the entity that requests it. Also, we work closely with all vendors, including the staff at the facilities, to make sure that all policies are conformed to & everyone is on the same page. That helps to insure that our events run smoothly and efficiently. The next time that a venue tells you to use their DJ, Photo Booth or Lighting, tell them that you prefer to use Time Productions instead!